
Showing posts from April, 2021

1601006069 short case

I'm a final year medical undergraduate bearing the hall ticket number-1601006069. I've been allotted with this following de-identified case to present on the day of the final practical exam, so I've contacted the patient and took the verbal consent to take the history and to examine the patient.  This E log also reflects my patient center’s online learning portfolio and valuable inputs on the comment box are welcome. A 46yr old female, housewife resident of Nalgonda came to the hospital with chief complaints of shortness of breath since 5days  History of present illness:   She was apparently asymptomatic 5days back then she developed shortness of breath which was insidious in onset, gradually progressive, aggravated on lying down, and relieved on medication. Associated with wheeze , paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea Anasarca since 5days and cough with expectoration since 5days which is insidious in onset. Past History: K/c/o COPD since 12yrs. General examination: Raised JVP. Res

1601006069 long case

Hall ticket no : 1601006069 GENERAL MEDICINE LONG CASE 61 year old gentleman who is resident of kangaal,shepherd by occupation came with complaints of pain in abdomen since 10days,fever since 2days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days ago then he developed 1. Pain in abdomen      -since 10 days    -It is a diffuse type of pain not associated with      any vomiting and was progressive,dragging      type of pain associated with shortness of breath    - it was non radiating pain with no diurnal     variations         - it was relieved by sleeping sideways. 2.Fever   -since 2 days,low grade ,continuous associated with chills and rigor ,relieved on taking medication No History of Nausea,  Vomiting Loose stools, Melena, decreased urine output, dysuria. PAST HISTORY : -He had yellowish discoloration of eyes 6 months ago. - No history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, tuberculosis, epilepsy. PERSONAL HISTORY: -mixed diet -apetite normal -His bowel movement