Snake Bite causing Renal damage
NEPHROLOGY ADMISSION A 65 year old male from Akinepalli , farmer by occupation came with the chief complaints of fever since 1 month( on and off) - subsided now , Right lower limb swelling since 1 month. Patient was apparently asymptomatic 7 years ago, then he had loin pain and H/O surgery for renal calculi. Five years ago patient had chest pain and sweating - diagnosed as MI AND PTCA done in Hyderabad. Then , patient used medications for few days about 1 year, and discontinued later, as he was feeling well. He used to go to farm and do his regular activities at home . Two years ago , patient stopped going to work in view of bilateral knee pain and generalised weakness and stayed at home. He used to have regular checkups every 6 months and had no H/O comorbidities or no usage of NSAIDs. One month ago, patient had H/O unknown bite one evening when he was in farm and then started swelling of Right lower limb associated with pain and redness which gradually progressed. H/O feve...